Melbourne Cup – Historical Analysis of a Winner

At Bi5 we believe data is key, so we’ve taken the time to analyse 98 years of Melbourne Cup history to bring you our non-technical and light hearted insight into what makes a winning horse.  Choose wisely.

Downloading historical data from the internet directly into BOARD we have generated the below visualisations…we hope you enjoy.

The visualisations below show data for every Melbourne Cup since 1918. Download your copy below


It is clear that there are weight ranges with above average likelihoods of winning.


To some a horse always wins The Cup, but for those in the know, a ‘Horse’ is more likely to win when the number of finishers is taken into account.


For some it’s all about the horse’s number, well now you can be a bit more educated in your lucky number choice.


Is the barrier draw a barrier to winning, some may think so.  At Bi5 we think there’s more to it than just how high the barrier number is, being divisible by 2 is an important consideration.


With a couple of clicks we can generate a Tree Map in BOARD, while it doesn’t look much like a tree, it looks like a 4-5 year old is your best bet.


Here’s one for those that like to bet small and win big, your trifecta awaits.



Now lets just look at even numbered years, because everyone knows that has a direct correlation with the winner.






So now the final runners are confirmed and our analysis is completed, at Bi5 we’ve gone with the 4 runners below for our box trifecta…fingers crossed

4 – Bondi Beach

5 – Exospheric

12 – Jameka

20 – Oceanographer


Interestingly there’s a few short-priced runners in there….maybe there is something in our analysis.

Where’s Hartnell do you ask, he’s drawn ‘unlucky’ barrier 12, it’s never done better than 3rd place in an even year so it’s an automatic out in our weightings.

If you want to see how we can help you analyse your business and pick a winning strategy get in touch with us today on 1300 138 406


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